Categories: Fitness, Nutrition3.3 min read

by Stephen Luther, M.D.


Slow and Steady Brain Health Essentials

As a research scientist, discovering a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other related forms of dementia would be like winning the Triple Crown. Scholarly recognition and funding would be lavished on the researcher and its sponsors, plus all those connected to the lab and disease would reap the rewards.

This noteworthy scientific research would rapidly race across the Internet, as was the case in 2006 when Nature published an Alzheimer’s research paper – which was later retracted – claiming an amyloid protein known as Aβ*56 forms like a plaque that hinders brain function. This research article was cited nearly 2,500 times.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in nine Americans over age 65 have Alzheimer’s, and in effort to stop their progressive neurological decline, two anti-amyloid drugs were fast-tracked through the FDA. Yet, like the turtle in Aesop’s fables, results didn’t flourish, and it became clear that the neuroscientists at the University of Minnesota deceived doctors and patients; they never reached a solution but used manipulated images to support their fraudulent claim.

As further evidence of large-scale research fraud, in the last two years academic publisher John Wiley and Sons has retracted more than 11,300 peer-reviewed science papers.

While our trust in scientific publications diminishes, please be assured that Symbios makes every effort to evaluate medical facts from fiction. With June being Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, this is the perfect time to learn the essentials for a healthy brain, which reflect Symbios’ steady core values of nutrition and exercise.

Our brain responds positively or negatively to our lifestyles. While many factors play a role in developing Alzheimer’s and dementia-related diseases, Symbios encourages you to engage in five brain health essentials.

1. Nutrition

About 25% of the body’s energy fuels our active brain. Therefore, proper nutrition is vital for optimal brain functioning. Symbios recommends avoiding processed and refined foods and eating fresh or frozen foods low in carbohydrates. Some good choices include meats, eggs, fish, avocados, olives, nuts, chia seeds, green veggies, and fruit such as berries in moderation

The Food for the Brain Foundation says dementia risks increase with a low-fat diet that lacks omega-3s and essential fatty acids. Because low-fat meals typically replace fat with carbohydrates, an unhealthy nutrient imbalance often occurs. The European Journal of Nutrition shows that the sugars found in carbohydrates elevate blood glucose levels, which can adversely affect our mental health by increasing brain atrophy, reducing cognitive thinking, and raising the risk of dementia by one-fifth.

Download the Symbios Nutrition guide and talk to our food experts to create meal plans that nourish your brain!

2. Exercise

Daily activity that includes strength training increases blood flow and stimulates brain growth. Exercise also improves mood and reduces stress, keeping hormones balanced for optimal brain function. SymbiosFIT is an excellent option for full-body conditioning that improves mental and physical health.

3. Sleep

Quality, uninterrupted rest provides time for our brain to repair, regenerate, and remove toxins. “Without sleep, you can’t form or maintain the pathways in your brain that let you learn and create new memories, and it’s harder to concentrate and respond quickly,” writes The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Improve your sleep by limiting screen time before bed and creating a dark, comfortable, and quiet atmosphere.

4. Learning

Learning that involves critical thinking, evaluation, and problem-solving should be a lifelong mission. When you discuss your thoughts, your brain processes and analyzes stored data, which promotes neurological growth. You can improve and develop new brain connections by learning an instrument, a new sport, or a hobby to elevate your quality of life.

5. Healthy Choices

As always, refrain from smoking and alcohol, and reduce stress for a healthy lifestyle that supports rather than deteriorates your brain.

If cognitive decline affects you or someone you love, it may be associated with aging or the early onset of dementia. Talk to Symbios Health’s compassionate and knowledgeable team for guidance on evaluating and treating this life-changing condition.


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