Understanding the Opposition to Low-Carb Diets: Examining Potential Biases in Science and Media
The scientific evidence supporting low-carb diets in improving metabolic health and reducing disease burden remains robust.
The Power of Serotonin – Your Happiness Hormone
Serotonin is your body’s internal thermostat, helping keep your physical and emotional systems balanced while regulating your mood, energy levels, sleep, hunger, and even digestion.
Optimizing Health and Weight Management
Taking care of your health and managing your weight doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all about making smart food choices, staying active, and focusing on your overall well-being.
The Dietary Crisis: How Government Guidelines Contribute to Obesity and Chronic Illness
Since the introduction of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in 1980, the emphasis on consuming a diet rich in carbohydrates has led to widespread unintended consequences.
Creatine: A Natural Supplement for Combating Depression
Creatine, known primarily for its use in athletic performance and muscle recovery, is also emerging as a powerful natural solution for treating and reducing depression.
Is Semaglutide a Sustainable Weight-Loss Option or a Mirage with High Risks?
While semaglutide offers benefits, growing concerns about its long-term risks have emerged, with some experts suggesting that semaglutide could be among the most dangerous classes of medications.
Discover the Lion Diet: A Natural Reset for Your Health
The Lion Diet is a simple yet powerful eating plan that focuses on just three things: meat from certain animals, salt, and water. It's designed to help people with chronic health issues and food sensitivities.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Fasting can be a phenomenal option for individuals seeking help for weight loss and even treating certain diseases and conditions.
Is Olive Oil Really Nutritious?
Before you wrap a superhero cape around your bottle of olive oil, be Symbios Smart and learn the facts about olive oil’s weak superpowers and tips for choosing super healthy foods!
Multivitamins: Friend or Foe?
The National Cancer Institute’s study on daily multivitamin use may surprise many who seek longevity by consuming every vitamin possible to prevent sickness.
Rethinking LDL Cholesterol: Insights from Recent Research
The pharmaceutical industry’s promise that lower cholesterol from using statins would increase mortality is proving to be a myth.
Slow and Steady Brain Health Essentials
With June being Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, this is the perfect time to learn the essentials for a healthy brain, which reflect Symbios’ steady core values of nutrition and exercise.
Add a Dash of Healthy Flavor with Herbs
Discover the healing power of eight popular herbs with tips to incorporate them into your daily menu. You’ll also find a few of our favorite recipes.
The Amazing Health and Wellness Benefits of Watermelon
Watermelon is an excellent choice for staying hydrated, especially during hot weather, but there’s more to watermelon than just water.
Protein’s Power to Renovate Life
Renovate and upgrade your quality of life by understanding protein’s power to impact nearly all body functions.
Rethinking Mainstream Nutrition Advice
Years of following our government’s dietary recommendations are not producing the promised outcome of less cardiovascular disease.
Statin Drugs on Trial in Cholesterol’s Trillion-Dollar Industry
Since 1987, statin drugs have been hailed as the golden solution for lowering cholesterol. Yet, Symbios believes cholesterol was falsely accused of its involvement in heart disease.
Befriending Cholesterol
By learning about cholesterol’s basic medical facts and its harmonious role in your good health, you may make a new friend.
The Amazing Nutritional Qualities of the Red Bell Pepper
Do you ever feel like your diet is missing some color? Look no further than the red bell pepper, which is rich in color and also packs a powerful nutritional punch.
Live Better with Sweet Alternatives for Sugar
Discover recipes that use fewer carbohydrates when baking for tasty and healthy solutions by trying the following alternatives!
Pumpkin: More Than Just a Thanksgiving Treat
Leftover pumpkin pie? Did you know that besides being a delectable treat, pumpkin has some incredible health benefits, too?
Tune Up Your Diet with an Oil Change
Before you say, “I eat healthy!” tune up your diet by checking for hidden adversaries, such as linoleic acid, that can silently compromise your well-being.
The Incredible Benefits of the Simple Egg
From aiding in weight loss to improving brain health, eggs are undoubtedly one of the most nutritious foods you can add to your diet.
Well-Seasoned Health Benefits of Salt
Salt is essential for good health, and we look beyond the humble shaker in our kitchen to discover this crystalline treasure’s place in our world.