by Stephen Luther, M.D.
A Message From Dr. Luther
I was trained as a physician to evaluate each patient to find the medical problems they may have. At some point in my practice, I realized the problems I was trained to find had treatments that were based in pills. I also learned that these pills given to treat problems like diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure did NOT provide a cure, but simply a way to treat and control the abnormal numbers. Thus, a patient may have better lab results or blood pressure readings, but they are not necessarily any healthier or happier.
In addressing my own blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol, I learned that I could actually live healthier and happier by making a few simple adjustments in my life. The answer: Eating better quality foods and exercising in a way to stimulate my body to be more functional for everyday life. Also, when I consistently ate healthy and exercised functionally, my lab results and blood pressure readings also improved.
Understanding How Nutrition Impacts Your Daily Health
As a Symbios patient, we would like to offer you the opportunity to learn and be encouraged to eat healthy, nutrient dense foods through our Symbios Nutrition Program classes, or personal one-on-one sessions with Jean Magarelli, RN. Jean will be one of a select few clinicians in North America to complete the Certified Nutrition Network training, and well equipped to help you eat and live your healthiest and happiest life.
Understanding Your Functional Body Movement
We have a world-class fitness facility and SymbiosFit program, with exceptionally certified trainers who will teach and equip you to live a stronger, more powerful and enduring life by training and practicing the seven functional body movements.
Please schedule a free fitness evaluation and then enjoy a complementary month by mentioning this message. You will experience results that will put life back into your years.
Movement is Medicine: Are You Staying Physical?
If your body needs some fine tuning or repair prior to engaging our SymbiosFit program, or your body is experiencing joint or back stiffness, pain or limited range of motion, we can help. Our on-site, dedicated Symbios Physical Therapy facility and specialized staff is well-equipped to help you optimize the daily movements you need to live your best physical life and overcome limitations.
Please ask one of our Symbios health professionals to refer you for an evaluation, or contact Symbios Physical Therapy directly to schedule a physical therapy evaluation.
Do You Look and Feel Your Best?
With a consistent nutrition plan, and an efficiently moving body that is becoming more functionally fit for life, I realized how looking and feeling my best also impacts my health and happiness. We therefore offer a number of FDA approved devices, such as Alma’s Accent Prime, which is the most advanced ultrasound and radiofrequency device created to melt away stubborn fat that accumulates around our waist, thighs, arms, chin and neck area.
Our Medical Spa staff are medically-certified and specially-trained to deliver the most advanced treatments to help you look and feel your best. Please schedule a consultation today to experience just how good you can look and feel.