by Stephen Luther, M.D.

Years of believing what we are told and following our government’s dietary recommendations are not producing the promised outcome of less cardiovascular disease.
After 30 years of misguided fatty advice, questions are being raised, and the truth is coming to light. The bad advice is the hypothesis that vegetable oils, such as corn, canola, and safflower, loaded with linoleic acid, are heart-healthy, while saturated fats in red meat and dairy products are bad for your heart.
This advice claimed that replacing meat and dairy fat with vegetable seed oils would reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes by lowering blood cholesterol. While their goal of lowering cholesterol is possible, the primary goal of reducing cardiovascular-related deaths has not and will not be achieved under this hypothesis.
What if critical findings from landmark studies revealing that lower cholesterol does not affect heart disease were published? What if cherry-picking data didn’t occur in studies on saturated fats, primarily in meat? We need to discern fact from fiction for our diet and our health.
How to Maintain a Healthy Skepticism
Government-endorsed diet recommendations have grown deep pockets in the food industry and depleted our bodies of the proper balance of macros. The root of our decaying health is processed food containing refined sugar and hydrogenated oils, which saturate our body with too much linoleic acid and excess carbohydrates that the body transposes into fat. The government’s dietary recommendations to eat “heart healthy” processed cereals and oils stem from the food industry’s significant contributions and biased role in the Food and Drug Administration.
Rather than blooming, Americans are growing, gaining weight faster than ever. The chemicals in processed foods keep our unsatisfied bodies coming back for more! Yet, instead of going out on a limb and reevaluating the high carbohydrate diet advice found in government educational materials, the government approves the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest money maker to reduce cholesterol with statins and throws unwarranted blame on animal and dairy fat as the bad seeds.
Many knowledgeable scientists have questioned the government but, for reasons undisclosed, have not had their findings published, or the studies claiming no correlation between heart disease and cholesterol have not received a fair, unbiased review.
A Glimpse of the One-Sided Advice We Receive
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reported, “Ramsden, of the National Institutes of Health, unearthed raw data from a 40-year-old study, which challenges the dogma that eating vegetable fats instead of animal fats is good for the heart. The study, the largest gold-standard experiment testing that idea, found the opposite.
Further Proof in a 2014 analysis of 78 studies involving some 650,000 people found that “neither lower consumption of saturated fats nor higher consumption of polyunsaturated fats reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease,” Its lead author, epidemiologist Dr. Rajiv Chowdhury of the University of Cambridge, says it has been under increasing assault because of the weak evidence for the diet-heart hypothesis, going against mainstream opinions.
Another example from The Seven Countries Study that investigated the diet and lifestyle of other countries compared to our Western diet reveals it “originally included many more nations. However, only seven populations consuming lots of saturated fats have high levels of heart disease, prompting recent accusations of cherry-picking data” according to Scientific American.
Symbios Health encourages you to read food labels, avoid processed foods, and ask questions. If you are unsure what to eat, talk to Dr. Luther and his team, meet with our certified nutritionist, and download your complimentary copy of our Symbios Nutrition guidebook.