Categories: Fitness4.1 min read

by Stephen Luther, M.D.


Exercise and Physical Wellness - Building a Strong Body and Mind

Being physically fit can vary based on individual goals, but it generally refers to our ability to perform daily activities with ease and efficiency. While exercise may be enjoyable for some and challenging for others, understanding its physical and mental benefits makes it a crucial aspect of our lives.

Exercise positively impacts our quality of life, enhancing strength, physical appearance, functionality, sexual health, and disease resistance while maintaining chemical balance in our bodies.

If you’re looking to improve your physical performance, consulting with one of our nationally certified coaches at SymbiosFIT is an excellent starting point. Our specialized fitness team can create a personalized routine to help you reach your goals, whether you’re an athlete or seeking to enhance your overall health.

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for various chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression. Research shows that increasing physical activity levels can reduce the risk of chronic disease by 20% to 35%. Moreover, individuals who become physically fit can decrease their risk of death by 44% over five years.

Inactive adults may lose 3% to 8% of muscle mass per decade, slowing metabolism and leading to fat gain. However, resistance training can reverse these effects, increasing lean mass and metabolism while reducing fat.

Exercise can be categorized into two main types: aerobic and anaerobic, each offering unique benefits and complementing each other.

Aerobic Exercise

Often referred to as “cardio,” aerobic exercise involves sustained activities that use large muscle groups and rely primarily on oxygen for energy production. It improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, increases stamina, and enhances mood through the release of endorphins. Common forms of aerobic exercise include running, walking, rowing, and biking.

Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise involves high-intensity activities performed in short bursts, such as weightlifting, sprinting, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This type of training builds muscle strength, increases power and speed, boosts metabolism, and improves performance in high-intensity activities and life.

Together, aerobic and anaerobic exercises enhance overall fitness by targeting different energy systems, promoting cardiovascular health, muscular development, and metabolic function.

Additional Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercise also significantly impacts sexual health by improving intimacy and addressing issues such as erectile dysfunction in men and issues involving clitoral stimulation in women. Regular physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen delivery, revitalizing genital tissue. For instance, a study showed that men with erectile dysfunction experienced a 71% reduction in symptoms after engaging in regular walking for 30 days.

Moreover, exercise regulates hormones, boosting endorphins, improving mood, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and promoting overall hormonal balance. It lowers stress levels and supports cognitive function, self-esteem, and resilience against depression.


At SymbiosFIT, we are dedicated to building strong bodies and minds through functional, sustainable training suitable for all ages and fitness levels, with a focus on functional fitness and Olympic lifting. Our programs aim to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility, and metabolic health, leading to a more resilient body.

We offer both individual and group training sessions to ensure all participants receive the support they need to succeed. With knowledgeable trainers guiding you, you’ll have every opportunity to elevate your fitness and overall well-being. Call 843-738-4600 to make an appointment to discuss your personal goals and receive tailored guidance for your physical development and healthier lifestyle.

Symbios Nutrition

Our team of elite nutritionists is here to support you on your journey, emphasizing that proper nutrition is just as crucial as physical activity. Good nutrition plays a vital role in recovery, muscle building, and overall health. Whether you aim to enhance athletic performance, lose weight, or improve your well-being, our nutrition experts can help you optimize your diet to complement your training and achieve your fitness and health goals effectively.


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