Categories: Women's Health5.4 min read

by Stephen Luther, M.D.


In the Garden of Eden, Adam lived in abundance, yet for a short time, he felt empty as he longed for companionship. Adam was not completely fulfilled until our omnipotent God created Eve; his female partner masterfully designed to unite with Adam in love as one flesh. Since the beginning of time, sexual unions have been a vital aspect of healthy relationships and overall well-being.

Females’ emotional and physical responses to love and intimacy are phenomenal. Women’s hypothalamus (a portion of the brain) releases an abundance of oxytocin and other hormones like dopamine and serotonin during intercourse that stimulate their senses and feelings of gratification. A positive sexual interaction creates endearing biochemical responses, including decreased stress from lower cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, a positive mood swing, and reduced depression. Consequently, the psychological benefits overflow with improved confidence and self-worth.

Modern Western culture may influence you to avoid this sensitive topic, as a social stigma regarding female sexuality still exists today. However, if you desire complete wellness, Symbios believes it includes mutually gratifying intimacy, which begins with a better understanding of female anatomy and causes for potential hindrances.

Understanding Female Sexual Obstacles

The beauty and gracefulness of the female anatomy and physiology demonstrate its complexity and necessity for quality care. Sexual wellness is vital to maintaining mutually satisfying intimacy, yet it is rarely discussed openly by females. Multiple factors can contribute to Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD), including vaginal tissue-related issues such as low stimulation to the clitoris and crura (muscular wishbone surrounding the vaginal canal), low confidence from labia tissue structure, or a low level of desire from physical or emotional discomfort. FSD can cause stress during intercourse, which increases cortisol levels, leading to vasoconstriction (vascular tightening), thus leading to a decrease in blood flow and stimulation or a predisposition to low blood flow.

Research estimates that 22% of females over age 20 currently struggle with sexual-related issues, which jumps to 76% of females after age 40. Some of the typical signs of FSD include:

  • 45% of women reportedly experienced reduced desire
  • 38% of females struggled with arousal in general
  • 2% presented issues with vaginal lubrication
  • 43% experienced vaginal pain
  • 45% had concerns with orgasms and overall satisfaction

Understanding FSD Causes and Discomforts

  • Hormonal imbalances:A decrease in estrogen or testosterone before or after menopause can lead to a reduction in sexual desire and thoughts, vaginal dryness, and general discomfort.
  • Dyspareunia/localized vulvodynia (painful intercourse):This condition usually generates discomfort in the external vulvar region, such as the labia tissue of the vagina, and is correlated with intraorbital or superficial pain.
  • Vaginal atrophy:Vaginal lining loses its typical structure regarding thickness and moisture, becoming thin and inflamed, which can lead to genitourinary syndrome and vaginitis.
  • Hypoactive sex drive:This can be caused by numerous issues such as low self-esteem in regard to self-image and physical attributes, relationships, anxiety, and stress.
  • Hypertension:Another cause for a hypoactive sexual drive, but more specifically of high blood pressure on the arterial vessels, causing strain and reducing blood flow, which carries vital nutrients like hemoglobin and nitric oxide to the labia majora and clitoris, which engorge with blood during stimulation.
  • Urinary incontinence:The relaxation of muscles around the urethra makes it difficult to contract, which may be caused by an overactive bladder, weakened vaginal tissue, and neurological disorders, which may cause urine leakage and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Solutions: Female Rejuvenation for Inner and Outer Beauty

Symbios looks beyond diagnosing and treating bothersome symptoms to uncovering the root cause for the concern and preventative treatments for a healthy tomorrow. We aim to educate our patients on the importance of care and recognition of warning signs. Symbios recommends several forms of rejuvenation to address current and potential problems and enable our patients to live a high quality of life. Whether you are seeking rejuvenation from pregnancy, aging, or daily discomfort, our safe and effective treatments can revitalize your genital appearance, functionality, and self-esteem.

Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (LI-ESWT) is an innovative, non-invasive treatment that utilizes gentle electrical pulsations to draw in blood flow, allowing for the stimulation and proliferation of the body’s cellular repair processes, such as angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) through locally induced inflammation, promoting the recruitment of natural mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells. The application of shock waves can also significantly increase nitric oxide levels in vaginal tissues, which results in enhanced circulation.

The acoustic waves promote more substantial and more frequent vaginal orgasms, tighten and improve vaginal elasticity, and help resolve painful intercourse. This method is also effective in treating urinary incontinence by regenerating the cellular matrix of the vaginal muscles to help prevent leakage.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and Wing Lift

The natural stem cells found in our PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) are excellent for rejuvenation. This non-invasive procedure involves collecting and centrifuging a blood sample into a purified concentration. After a local anesthetic is applied, it is injected into the labial tissue of the vagina to create an autologous reaction in these cells which promotes the build-up of collagen and natural growth factors, which regenerates appearance and functionality. The result is a smoother and firmer outer labia with less sagging tissue. The rejuvenated tissue also alleviates dryness by moistening and hydrating the vulva.


The O-Shot, like PRP, is a minimally invasive option that utilizes platelet-rich plasma on a more specific scale by injecting these stem cells into the clitoral glans and anterior vaginal wall to promote and stimulate nerve regeneration and increased sexual pleasure with more robust orgasms. This procedure increases libido, enhances sensitivity throughout the vulva, and can help urinary incontinence and lichen sclerosis. Sexual and functional improvements have been estimated in 75-95% of women within one to three days after treatment, offering noticeable improvement in sexual arousal and orgasm intensity.

FEMILIFT – Vaginal Rejuvenation

FemiLift offers exemplary rejuvenation of female functionality and sexual stimulation as it uses non-surgical laser technology to tone and tighten surrounding tissue by rebuilding and remodeling collagen in the vaginal walls, allowing tissue to maintain more elasticity and resilience, rendering higher levels of sexual satisfaction for both you and your partner. FemiLift is renowned for its boost in natural lubrication, sensitivity, and improvement in urinary incontinence.

Today and Tomorrow

We are designed for relationships that share intimacy. Take time today to ensure you can fully experience one of life’s most rewarding gifts for many tomorrows. You and your partner can enjoy fulfilling this vital part of your wellness by sustaining these tender sensations and overall functionality.


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