Categories: Primary Care4 min read

by Stephen Luther, M.D.


Stay Merry and Balanced with Dr. Luther's Tips for Holiday Harmony

During this most wonderful time of the year, it’s not about doing it all; it’s about doing what matters most. While many island homes are beautifully decorated and filled with the sweet scent of gingerbread cookies, bubbling, festive moods are often punctured with anxiety, stress, exhaustion, and illness. Let’s face it; it’s easy to get off balance between decking the traffic on 278, untangling the web in a quest for the perfect gift, or wrestling with wrapping paper.

Christmas is a blessing to be celebrated, but a wise woman once told me, “If you have too many dresser drawers open at once, the dresser will fall over.” Years of experience with an influx of worn-out patients in December prompts me to say:

It’s time to find that delicate balance between spreading cheer and maintaining our well-being.

 Symbios Health is here to help you navigate the yuletide balancing act with grace, humor, and a dash of wellness magic. To savor the season with healthy vital signs, read our quick tips on:

  • Jingle All the Weigh: Meal Planning and Recipes,
  • Wellness Warning Lights
  • Holiday Harmony Scheduling
  • Sleigh-the-Season Stress Relievers, and
  • Creating Wonderland Moments.

Jingle All the Weigh: Meal Planning

Imagine sitting in a pew, and suddenly, your stomach growls like a hungry reindeer. Fear not; for a bit of planning can go a long way. Instead of surrendering to the tempting ease of fast food:

  • Plan and prepare a healthy, vitamin and energy-rich menu. Who said festive can’t be nutritious? Click here to discover some delicious recipes recommended by Symbios Nutrition.
  • Stock your pantry with wholesome, unaltered foods by selecting most of your diet from the outer circle of the grocery store or gathering healthy items from local sources such as Fili-West Farms.
  • Enjoy holiday sweets and indulgences as occasional treats. For long-term success, don’t completely deny yourself; just practice moderation.

Your body will thank you, and you may even have more energy to outshop Debbie and me at Belk!

Wellness Warning Lights

In the whirlwind of holiday preparations, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush, which can lead to tumbling through the season.

  • Listen to Your Body: Exhaustion, headaches, feeling blue, dizziness, stomach pain, or other abnormal symptoms may be easily diagnosed and treated with a visit or quick telecommunication with Symbios Health.
  • Keep Your Wellness Appointments: Never become too busy to care for yourself.
  • Respond to Your Body’s Health Prompts: If you feel run down and your body craves a nap – take 30 minutes to recharge; your health is worth it.

 Sleigh-the-Season Stress Relievers

‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, and, if we’re being honest, a tad bit stressed about all the holiday hustles.

  • Sleep: Prioritize eight hours of beauty sleep, allowing your body to heal and reset overnight. Remember, a well-rested you is a merry you!
  • Care: Take time to look and feel your best. An hour at our tranquil Symbios Medical Spa can transform your mood and confidence.
  • Exercise: There is no better way to relieve stress than to stretch, engage your muscles, release mood-enhancing hormones, improve energy levels, and feel better about yourself.
  • Deep Breaths: In a moment of stress, focus briefly on inhaling a lung full of extra oxygen, pausing to slow and calm your reaction. You can’t always control what happens in the holiday frenzy, only how you react.
  • Music: Put on your favorite holiday playlist and let the Christmas carols relax your soul.
  • Enjoy time outdoors: Stress melts away with sunshine mixed in the moist ocean breeze while rhythmic waves soothe our busy minds.

Holiday Harmony Scheduling

While the holiday hustle is real, avoid getting caught in a blizzard of chaos by harmoniously organizing your schedule to achieve a magical act of balance.

  • Schedule Well: Fill in must-dos and time-sensitive items first, leaving your wish list of additional tasks as a side note.
  • Make Time for Yourself: Remember to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others! 
  • Be Realistic: Since the days seem shorter than the lines at the outlet mall, allow extra time as one hour for shopping quickly turns into two.
  • Be Flexible. Use a digital calendar for simple changes.

Walking in a Grateful Wonderland 

Thankful thoughts and grateful hearts: Let’s not let the day’s demands diminish the season’s true meaning. Pause for a moment to reflect on the beauty surrounding us on Hilton Head Island and thank the Creator for creating Christmas. Whether you celebrate with family or friends or a cozy solo evening, a heart filled with gratitude is the best gift you can give yourself.

May your days be merry and your meals be balanced this holiday season! Be Symbios Smart and go forth with a twinkle in your eye and a skip in your step while using the magic touch of balance to keep wellness on your side!


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