Categories: Women's Health2.2 min read

by Stephen Luther, M.D.


We’re Dedicated to Women’s Health on Hilton Head Island

While many women do not look forward to their yearly female exam, this appointment is much more than that. It is a time honestly dedicated to your wellness.

The well-woman visit is an important opportunity to address your health needs or concerns with your health provider, including pelvic pain, incontinence, irregular periods, contraceptive needs, sexual health concerns, and your overall health. In most cases, your annual well-woman visits are considered a preventive measure and covered at no cost under most insurance professionals.

“Symbios Health can transform your annual gynecology appointments from uncomfortable to relaxed, silent to informed, and unimportant to highly beneficial.”

What to Expect During Your Annual Well-Woman Exam?

At Symbios, your annual gynecology exam is your time to discuss, treat, and prevent female health problems. During this confidential check-up, we perform screenings for preventable diseases (which may include a pap smear based on new guidelines), pelvic exams, breast exams, and as-needed lab work and prescriptions. A pelvic exam differs from a pap smear as it assesses for abnormal bumps or tissue.

In addition to our routine examination, our experienced staff listens to your concerns, then shares ideal treatment options for women’s various healthcare issues, including:

  • birth control
  • pelvic pain
  • intimacy, including non-surgical rejuvenation
  • menopause & perimenopause (hot flashes)
  • breast and nipple problems
  • urinary issues
  • infections
  • monthly cycles
  • endometriosis

Physical Exam and Screenings

During your well-women’s visit, your Symbios board-certified provider will perform a physical exam. Your age, sexual history, and medical history will determine which screenings and exams you may need during your visit. Examinations may include:

  • Physical exam to measure blood pressure, pulse, and weight
  • Breast exam to check breast lumps, skin changes, or any irregularities
  • Pelvic exam to survey reproductive organs, ovaries, uterus, and cervix. Including a:
    • Pap smear every 2–3 years, depending on age and previous results
    • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening

You may also receive many other screenings during your appointment including blood pressure, cholesterol, colorectal cancer, and osteoporosis. Talk to your provider about which screenings are right for you.

Don’t Put Off Scheduling Your Well-Woman Visit

The screenings and services provided by Symbios Women’s Health can help you get the answers you need to improve your own health and well-being while identifying any underlying problems early.

We offer same-day appointments for new and established patients along with 24/7/365 access to Primary Care and Women’s Health on Hilton Head Island.

Don’t put off prioritizing your health. If it has been more than 12 months because your last visit, please call to schedule an appointment with your provider today.


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