
Primary Care Providers on Hilton Head Island

Local physicians and primary care professionals.

Routine care from remarkable people. Primary care is often the starting point of your healthcare experience for help with your everyday medical needs. Symbios Health professionals are board-certified in respective fields of primary care such as family practice, women’s healthcare, and internal medicine.

We are also experts in primary care relationships and the delivery of primary preventive healthcare services. We offer fully-integrative primary care services, including annual preventive health evaluations, nutritional consultations, functional movement evaluations, physical rehabilitation, on-site laboratory, prescriptions when needed, and management of chronic disease.


Stephen S. Luther, MD

Stephen S. Luther, MD

Board Certified Internal Medicine
Symbios, Founder & CEO

Debbie Luther, MSN, FNP-BC

Deborah J. Luther, MSN, FNP-BC

Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Christopher Madison, MD

Christopher Madison, MD

Board Certified Family Practice

Kelly Ruckno, APRN

Kelly Ruckno, APRN

Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Celeste Welsh, FNP

Celeste Welsh, FNP

Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Lisa Mazeika, PA-C

Lisa Mazeika, PA-C

Board-Certified Physician Assistant

Jean Magarelli, RN, NN

Jean Magarelli, RN, NN

Nutrition Practitioner

Marilyn Tassone-Landry MS, RD, LD

Marilyn Tassone-Landry, MS, RD, LD

Registered Dietitian

Wade Welsh


Director of Symbios Physical Therapy

Sara Mintz, MSPT CLT

Sara Mintz, MSPT, CLT

Physical Therapist and Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Rachel Mullen, PT

Rachel Mullen, PT

Physical Therapist

Robin Fanizzi

Robin Fanizzi, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist and AND Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Nicole Myers, PTA, CLT

Nicole Myers, PTA, CLT

Physical Therapist Assistant and Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Stephanie Driscoll, PTA

Stephanie Driscoll, PTA

Physical Therapy Assistant

headshot of Julia Sofia

Julia Sofia, LMA

Licensed Medical Aesthetician

Steven Keister

Steven Keister

Director of Fitness at SymbiosFIT, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Elizabeth White

Elizabeth Luther, B.Sc, MA, CPT

SymbiosFIT Personal Trainer, WNBF PRO

LaVonne Keister

LaVonne Keister

SymbiosFit CrossFit Level One Trainer

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan

SymbiosFit CrossFit Level One Trainer

Sheryl Soule

Sheryl Soule

SymbiosFit CrossFit Level One Trainer

Shirley Jo Dutton

Shirley Jo Dutton

SymbiosFit CrossFit Level One Trainer

Becca Edwards

Becca Edwards

Yoga Instructor

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