by Stephen Luther, M.D.

Reducing Your Cancer Risk in 2023
In addition to other health problems, being overweight or obese can raise your risk for 13 different types of cancer, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In fact, 73% of American adults carry excess weight or are obese putting them at risk.
Read on to learn the types of cancer and how can you determine if you are an ideal weight, overweight, or obese. Find out if you are at risk and how Symbios Health can help.
Cancers Linked to Being Overweight
The CDC has linked the following types of cancers with being overweight or obese:
- Breast (in post-menopausal women)
- Colon and rectum
- Uterus
- Gallbladder
- Upper stomach
- Kidneys
- Liver
- Ovaries
- Pancreas
- Thyroid
- Meningioma (a type of brain cancer)
- Multiple myeloma (a cancer of plasma cells)
- Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (develops in the glands)
Determining Your Ideal Weight
How can you determine if you are an ideal weight, overweight, or obese? Symbios recommends computing your Body Mass Index (BMI) as a method to evaluate your weight with your size. No need for the measuring tape. It is simply calculated by entering your height and weight into the formula below:
BMI = 703 x weight (lbs.)/ height (in.)²
18.5 to 24.99 BMI is recommended
25.0 to 29.9 BMI is overweight
30 or higher BMI is obese
Are you concerned about your BMI?
Symbios Health is your next step. We can conduct a personal evaluation to consider other factors influencing your BMI, such as muscle tone and bone structure. Our expert healthcare professionals are well-trained to bring out your best with a comprehensive physical exam and lab work if necessary.
Call 843.738.4800 or click here to schedule a comprehensive health evaluation today with one of our dedicated professionals.
Taking Control of Your Health Starts with Change
Symbios uniquely specializes in complete healthcare offering patients additional care through our exclusive, patient-only exercise program and nutritional plan. If you want to decrease your risk of cancer by reducing your weight, consider these invaluable resources.
Your complete health is why we have an internationally recognized nutrition program led by Jean Magarelli, RN. Jean designs tailor-made dietary plans providing ideal nutritional health specific to the patient’s needs. Call 843.738.4800 to schedule your Symbios Nutrition consultation.
Our SymbiosFIT functional fitness program offers individual and small group sessions to make you better and healthier. Call 843.738.4600 for a free fitness test today with Steve or LaVonne Keister, and join Dr. Luther at our SymbiosFit facility in Port Royal Plaza.